Bottom Line: Whiplash is the term used to describe the injuries that occur as a direct result of a forceful, uncontrolled, and rapid back and forth motion of the …
A neighbor of mine once told me “Getting old is not for the faint of heart,” and that’s always stuck with me. After all, haven’t we all had one …
When patients ask me for advice on how to know if you have a spinal disc problem, there’s a story that comes to mind every time. Not too long …
Waterbeds were something else, weren’t they? It’s still crazy to think there was actually a time where so many of us were sleeping on vinyl “mattresses” that were filled …
There’s a reason you see so many commercials for “do-it-all” energy drinks like Red Bull and “have-it-all” energy shots like 5-Hour Energy… We are exhausted, people! The mid-afternoon energy …
We’ve all seen the “Sitting is the New Smoking” stories circulating online and in the news in recent years. (You may have even seen a story or two talking …
Do you think of yourself as a “glass half-empty or half-full” sort of person? Have you ever had someone tell you to “look on the bright side” or to …
There’s some real wisdom in the saying that goes “a goal without a plan is just a wish.” Have you ever felt like you were working hard and took …
Bottom Line: We all know someone who gets sick around the holidays every year. Are they just unlucky? Well, while it probably would have helped if someone had shared …
Bottom Line: Did you know… chronic stress – especially chronic holiday stress – can contribute to health challenges like anxiety and even back pain. Why? When your body is …